Missões da Alumni ’32: Resgate Histórico

Quando a Faculdade instalou sua sede no sobrado da Rua Felipe Schmidt, 2, o desembargador Boiteux mandou colocar vistosa placa, que abrangia as sacadas das salas alugadas, velho escrivão do crime de uma das varas da Capital, – doente, alquebrado, com lamentável restrição visual, pouco saindo de casa -, certa manhã, vindo ao centro urbano, se lhe deparando a referida placa indicativa, comentou em voz alta – dizem uns que pela deficiência de visão, mas eu, que o conheci bem, acredito no permanente exercício da perfídia, que cultivava com zelos de bom jardineiro -, em tom sensacionalista:

– Alfaiataria do Didico! Mas para que deu o Didico: – quase quebrado e montando a alfaiataria no ponto mais caro da cidade!

(BARBOSA, Renato. Cofre aberto… Reminiscências da Faculdade de Direito e outros assuntos. Florianópolis: Imprensa Universitária, 1982, p. 40).

O excerto acima é uma das muitas histórias da Faculdade desconhecidas da maioria dos seus atuais alunos e egressos mais recentes e que, se não tivesse sido registrada na obra mencionada, provavelmente se perderia no tempo. Uma Faculdade quase centenária, que influenciou de maneira direta e indireta os rumos do Estado de Santa Catarina e formou juristas de grande renome e importância, certamente tem muitas histórias para contar, mas, como as paredes não falam, são aqueles que vivenciaram tais histórias que podem levá-las adiante.

Acima, o diploma entregue aos calouros em 1965; abaixo, o diploma redesenhado de 2010.

Entre 2009 e 2010, tive a oportunidade de fazer parte da Diretoria do Centro Acadêmico XI de Fevereiro, que, em sua sede, dispunha de uma grande quantidade de documentos antigos. Certa vez, pesquisando o acervo histórico do CAXIF, encontramos registros de como eram recepcionados os novos alunos da Faculdade na década de 60, o que nos inspirou a resgatar uma tradição que havia sido perdida: a entrega de diplomas de “calouro burro”, escritos em latim macarrônico, como forma bem-humorada de receber os novos ingressantes do curso de Direito. Retomar essa tradição só nos foi possível porque havia um registro documental, o que sempre me fez imaginar quantas outras já poderiam ter se perdido ao longo dos anos.

Para a comemoração dos 85 anos da Faculdade, o Centro de Ciências Jurídicas lançou uma campanha com um lema que não poderia ser mais verdadeiro: “Fazemos parte dessa história”. E é com base nessa ideia que a Alumni ’32 foi estruturada tendo como um dos seus pilares de sustentação a função de resgate histórico.

Assim, a Diretoria de Resgate Histórico tem como missão resgatar e manter vivas a história e as tradições da Faculdade de Direito de Santa Catarina, registrando-as e levando-as para conhecimento dos alunos atuais e egressos recentes. Por outro lado, tem como função também contar a história recente da Faculdade para os egressos mais antigos, que por ventura tenham se afastado e não tenham acompanhado o seu desenvolvimento nos últimos anos.

Para a consecução de seus objetivos, a Diretoria de Resgate Histórico da Alumni ’32 tem os seguintes projetos:

Projetos a curto prazo:

  • Fragmentos da História da Faculdade

Como os melhores vetores da história da Faculdade são os seus próprios egressos, os Fragmentos nada mais são do que relatos de experiências vividas durante a estadia na instituição, que serão publicados periodicamente no Blog do site da Alumni ’32. É um projeto colaborativo, que aceitará textos de todos os egressos, que podem ser enviados para o e-mail resgatehistorico@alumni32.com.br. Como não poderia deixar de ser, será dada prioridade para os textos de egressos que forem associados da Alumni ’32.

  • Apresentação sobre a história da Faculdade no Evento de Fundação

Entendemos a fundação da Alumni ’32 como um processo, que teve início com a formalização da associação os órgãos competentes e que terá como auge o Evento de Fundação que ocorrerá em novembro de 2017. Para a oportunidade, a Diretoria de Resgate Histórico está preparando uma apresentação sobre a História da Faculdade. Aqueles que tiverem interesse em colaborar com o projeto, podem entrar em contato pelo e-mail resgatehistorico@alumni32.com.br.

Projetos a longo prazo:

  • Livro com mini-biografia de todos os professores efetivos da Faculdade

Idealizado pelo Prof. José Isac Pilati, Vice-Diretor do Centro de Ciências Jurídicas e Presidente do Conselho Consultivo e Fiscal da Alumni ’32, o projeto tem como objetivo produzir um livro contendo uma mini-biografia de todos os professores efetivos que deixaram pela Faculdade. A ideia é que cada professor escreva a sua própria biografia, ou, no caso dos que já são falecidos, que sejam escritas por algum parente. É um projeto que será desenvolvido pelo próprio Centro de Ciências Jurídicas, mas com auxílio e parceria da Alumni ’32, seja na listagem e na busca de contato com os antigos professores ou seus familiares, seja na própria elaboração da obra.

  • Livro com a história da Faculdade

Além do livro a ser produzido em parceria com o Centro de Ciências Jurídicas, a Alumni ’32 tem também o objetivo de produzir um livro sobre a história da Faculdade de Direito de Santa Catarina, por meio de extensa pesquisa a ser desenvolvida nos próximos anos, para que a obra possa ser lançada no Centenário da Faculdade.

  • Sede Histórica e Museu da Faculdade

O projeto mais ambicioso (e, por isso, o mais distante de ser concretizado) da Diretoria de Resgate Histórico é o de adquirir o prédio da primeira sede da Faculdade, localizado na esquina da Rua Felipe Schmidt com a Praça XV de Novembro, no centro de Florianópolis, para que sirva de sede para a Alumni ’32. No local, há pretensão de ser instalado também o Museu da Faculdade de Direito de Santa Catarina, para exposição de documentos e objetos que fazem parte da história da instituição.

Fotos atuais da primeira sede da Faculdade de Direito de Santa Catarina

Esses são apenas os primeiros projetos da Diretoria de Resgate Histórico, que conta a com a colaboração de todos os egressos. Se você tem alguma sugestão ou interesse em fazer parte das atividades, entre em contato pelo e-mail resgatehistorico@alumni32.com.br.

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  2. My First Steroid Cycle

    My First Steroid Cycle: What I Would Change If I Could Go Back In Time

    Starting my first steroid cycle was one of the most transformative experiences of my life. It wasn’t just about physical changes; it was a mental and emotional journey as well. Looking back, there are several things I would have done differently if I could go back in time.

    My First Steroid Cycle

    My first steroid cycle began with a lot of research. I wanted to make sure I was doing everything right, but I didn’t fully understand the potential consequences. I started with a basic plan, using a reputable brand and following the recommended dosage. But I quickly learned that steroids are not one-size-fits-all. What worked for someone else might not work for me.

    Physical changes came on fast. Within a few weeks, I noticed my muscles were getting bigger, and my strength was increasing. It was exciting, but also intimidating. I didn’t fully understand the science behind it at the time, so I didn’t realize how crucial cycling periods and proper post-cycle recovery were.

    But there were challenges too. I experienced acne, mood swings, and sleep issues. I had no idea how to manage these side effects properly. I wish I had known about supplementing with skincare products or incorporating stress-relief techniques into my routine.

    One of the biggest lessons was that more isn’t always better. I tried to max out on my dosages, thinking more steroids would give me faster results. But it backfired. My body didn’t handle the high amounts well, and I ended up with significant side effects that could have been avoided with a more moderate approach.

    What I Would Change In My First Steroid Cycle If I Could Go Back In Time

    If I could go back, here are some things I’d change:

    1. **Start with a lower dose**: I wish I had started with a smaller, testable dosage to see how my body responded before committing to higher amounts.

    2. **Better research**: I should have spent more time researching reputable suppliers and understanding the science behind steroid cycles rather than just following trends.

    3. **Incorporate an AI coach**: I didn’t realize how valuable a coach could be until after my cycle. An AI or human coach could have guided me through the proper protocols and helped me avoid unnecessary risks.

    4. **Prioritize recovery**: I didn’t pay enough attention to recovery techniques like stretching, foam rolling, or adequate sleep. This contributed to some of the side effects I experienced.

    5. **Stay hydrated and eat clean**: Proper hydration and nutrition play a huge role in how your body processes steroids. I often forgot about these basics, which probably didn’t do my results any favors.

    6. **Monitor progress carefully**: I was too focused on the physical changes and didn’t track my progress as closely as I should have. This made it harder to adjust my cycle midway.

    7. **Consider natural alternatives first**: At the time, I didn’t fully understand how effective natural testosterone boosters could be. They might have given me similar results without the side effects.

    8. **Plan for PCT (Post-Cycle Therapy)**: I knew about the importance of a PCT after my cycle, but I didn’t follow it as strictly as I should have. This likely contributed to some of the slower recovery times I experienced afterward.

    How Many Milligrams Of Testosterone Do Men Naturally Produce?

    Men produce varying amounts of testosterone depending on their age, health, and lifestyle. On average, a healthy man produces about 3-5 milligrams per day. This is just a baseline, as factors like stress, diet, and sleep can significantly impact testosterone levels.

    Testosterone plays a crucial role in muscle growth, fat burning, and overall energy levels. Maintaining healthy testosterone levels is essential for maximizing fitness goals, both in the gym and outside of it.

    About Derek

    Derek is a seasoned bodybuilder and fitness enthusiast with over a decade of experience in the industry. He’s completed multiple steroid cycles and has learned the hard lessons that come with them. Today, he focuses on natural bodybuilding techniques and helps others achieve their fitness goals through knowledge and experience.

    Follow Me

    Stay updated with Derek’s latest tips, articles, and updates by following him on social media:

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    Get Derek’s “20 Underground Bodybuilding Secrets You Won’t Find On Google” e-book absolutely free! Sign up below to receive it instantly and get updated whenever new content is published:

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    PS: Remember, steroid use is a serious decision. Always consult with a medical professional before starting any cycle. The information provided here is based on personal experience and should not be taken as medical advice.

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  3. These two variants are available in bottles of 100 mgs or 200 mgs.
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    The product can make you add up to 20 pounds in a couple of weeks.
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    Your location has a significant role since some states have set up restrictions on the purchase, possession, and
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    Dbol has a short half-life, hence, the need to split the
    dosage 2 – 3 times a day. It is advisable to take the drug around meal times to minimize common side effects like
    nausea. One sure way to increase the bioavailability of
    Dianabol is by incorporating grapefruits in your diet. An epidural steroid injection may be an effective nonsurgical treatment in itself or may aid in surgical
    planning. Excessive amounts of T3 , will have a very
    strong calorie burning effect, and since some bodybuilder
    use 150 mcg, it’s easy to see why such misinformation has been so prevalent.

    Enlarged organs become a serious risk as a result of organomegaly and cardiomegaly.
    Enlarged jaw, cheekbones, forehead and other internal organs become enlarged
    and your heart can seriously increase in size causing its own series of side effects.
    Thicker skin, enlarged nose, lips, and tongue,
    and potential tumor growth if predisposed are all other
    effects that may come from GH abuse.
    It’s important to watch on any unusual health performance while using the drug;
    in case of any, stop the dosage and seek medical help
    from qualified personnel. Sustanon is medically recommended for a number of health-related issues
    within the body. It actively increases the concentration of
    estrogen hormone, Testosterone and androstenedione levels.
    This, in turn, provides a dramatic relief to male hypogonadism with sustained improvements in the levels of PSA, hemoglobin, and liver function tests.

    Cohn, L.; Feller, A. G.; Draper, M. W.; Rudman, I. W.; Rudman,
    D. “Carpal tunnel syndrome and gynaecomastia during growth hormone treatment of elderly men with low circulating IGF-1 concentrations”.
    Superdrol may help you gain more mass but
    at the risk of side effects that are more severe than Dianabol.
    You should do proper research when you choose an online steroid
    store. First of all, make sure that the products
    are manufactured by genuine companies. To do this,
    you can ask the regular steroid users who purchase steroids using an online platform.

    You should check the legitimacy of the store by reading their customer reviews.

    However, upon using legal steroids, not every individual will undergo the
    side effects, as mentioned above. It is probably why these side
    effects are referred to as potential side effects and not absolute.
    The severity can vary among individuals, and there may be some steroid users who might never undergo any symptoms at all.
    The entire reaction will depend upon your dosage and your body’s capacity
    to accept metabolic alterations. The goal of
    the treatment is to treat symptoms and provide supportive
    It has been proved in a study that for this particular substance
    to affect, no specific heavy lifting training is required.
    Testosterone is a male androgen hormone which is
    also often known as a steroid hormone or an anabolic steroid.
    Testosterone has both androgenic and anabolic effects on the body like building and
    repairing muscle.
    “We have to educate people,” says Thomas O’Connor, aka the “Anabolic Doc,” who
    specializes in patients seeking recovery from anabolic-steroid
    use. O’Connor does not advocate the use of any of these drugs and has dozens of horror stories from patients to support his position—including, in extreme cases, death.
    And Fakhri Mubarak, a prep coach who speaks openly about his own steroid use, strongly recommends finding a health professional you can work with
    if you do choose to use performance enhancers. Originally there were specific
    guidelines for when a player was caught using performance enhancing
    drugs. For example, if a player was caught using
    during the off-season they were suspended for 30 days for a
    first time offense. This would basically mean missing 4 games – 3 preseason and 1 regular season game.

    We can neither say that every person on CrossFit use steroids
    nor it can be said that none in CrossFit use performance enhancing supplements.
    Unless the urine of the athletes is tested, it’s impossible to give a conclusion on this matter by anyone.
    All we can do is making the readers of this
    article know what health supplements are and why people who are associated with fitness
    regimen use it.
    If you want to do it because all of your friends are then you
    might want to take a step back and put a little more thought into than that.
    Here is a few questions you should ask yourself if you’re considering taking the substance.
    Here, depression can be the most problematic issue as more
    often than not; this condition persists even after
    the detox period. In such cases, the intake of an SSRI
    antidepressant can probably bring you relief.
    Besides this, changes like decreased sex drives or other issues can be treated through hormone therapy.

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  151. Fromm a preschool ttoy designed tо teach pre-coding skills tߋ a
    hands-on molecule-building set fⲟr older kids tһat woгks wіth an app, technology abopunded
    аt this yeɑr’s Toy Fair.

    Тhе annual showcase of upcoming toys held recently іn Neew York included а slew ⲟf tech-relаted
    produycts fгom tһe titans of tһe toy industry аnd tiny startups,
    alll ⅼooking to attract increasingly tech-savvy kids.

    Ηere aгe the highlights. Some of the toys ɑre educational, whilke օthers аre just kind of
    cool. All of them are sеt to go on sqle thіѕ fаll unleѕs оtherwise specifіed.

    Thе show included a slew of tech-гelated products fгom the titans
    of the toy industry аnd tiny startups


    CODE-Ꭺ-PILLAR (Fisher-Рrice, $50)

    Even preschoolers ⅽan learn thе basics of coding. Ꭲһat’s thhe idea
    bеhind this toy, ᴡhich iss aiimed аt kids ages 3 tto 6.

    The Code-a-Pillar is mɑdе up of dіfferent colored ssections connected Ьy USB plugs.
    Ƭhe secions perform diffеrent commands sᥙch as ցo
    straight, tᥙrn riցht oг mɑke various slund effects.

    Kids ‘program’ tһe toyy ƅy connecting the variοus sections in a particսlar ordеr.
    While tthe toy doeѕn’t teach an actual coding language, іt doeѕ try tⲟ
    impart some ⲟf tһе same critical thinking and prօblem solving skills
    tһаt coding ԁoes.

    A starter kit іncludes еight sections, ƅut expansion pack
    featuring additional commands ᴡill be sold separately.

    Code-a-pillar: Kids ‘program’ tһe toy by connecting tһe vari᧐us sections
    inn a particular oгⅾer


    THINGMAKER 3D PRINTER (Mattel, $300)

    Ϲreated tһrough a partnership ԝith Autodesk Inc., a 3Ꭰ design softwaare company,
    kids սsе an aapp to design items ѕuch аs action fihures and jewelry.

    Тhey caan choose the colors аnd shapes thеy want, then send tһeir design tto thе ThingMake to print.
    Tһe app showѕ them wһat tһeir finished product wіll looк like and alsߋ giives an estimated print tіme.

    Ƭhe ThingMaker hits stokres tһiѕ fall, ƅut can be preordered thhrough
    Amazon. Pricing fߋr the sspools ⲟf plastic սsed inn thе printer һas yyet to bbe determined. 

    ThingMaker: А 3D printer whеre kids ᥙse an app to design items ѕuch as action figures and


    HᎪPPY ATOMS ΑND CODEGAMER SCIENCE KITS (Thames & Kosmos, $150 fⲟr CodeGamer)

    Thesze kits teach science Ьy combining hands-оn and
    app-based activities.

    Hаppy Atoms, for kids ages 8 and up, involves building molecules ԝith wooden atoms thɑt onnect wіth
    magnets. Τhe atoms Ьecome ‘happy’ whеn they pick up thhe appropriate number of elewctrons tһrough the formation off molecules.
    Тhe molecules can tһen be scanned intoo the app, ԝhich ցives thee kids іnformation ɑbout tһе substance tһey just

    Pricing fⲟr Hɑppy Atoms haas yeet tߋ be

    Meanwhile, CodeGamer, ages 10 аnd up, connects physical and digital play
    tо tewch coding skills. Kids solve video game puzzles byy Ƅoth programing thе game on a tablet ɑnd byy
    physically modifying а Bluetooth-connected controller. 

    Нappy Atoms: involves building molecules ᴡith wooden atoms tһat connect with
    magnets. CodeGamer: connects physical ɑnd digital play to teach
    coding skills


    MAKERBLOKS ($200)

    Ꭲhese circuit application builder no coding sets aгe specіfically designed for
    young children. Ꭲhe blocks, ᴡhich looқ ɑ lot like dominos, connect with magnets and
    are easy for liftle hands tօ manipulate.

    Ƭhe company offеrs thbree sets օf 26 blocks, eaсh with a separate theme: music, circuitry and spy.
    Тhere’ѕ a tabglet app tօ g᧐ witһ each set, which tells a story, prompting the kids tto build сertain kinds οf

    MakerBloks, designed fօr kids 6 ɑnd up, launches tһis summer ɑnd will Ьe sold throᥙgh the company’s website,
    tһoughh taoks with retailers are ᥙnder way.

    MakerBloks: Тhе blocks, ᴡhich looқ a lot ⅼike dominos, connect ѡith magnets and are easy f᧐r ⅼittle hands to manipulate



    Thiis toy, designed fοr kids ages 10 and up, combines ɑ handful оf
    tһe hottest trends, including drones, app-based gaming
    аnd augmented reality.

    Playgers рlace tһe quad-copter drone on a mat that ‘seeѕ’ іt and places a digital version of
    it withіn an augmented reality video game played
    օn a smartphone or tablet. The player flies
    thee physical drone аs part of the game аnd the digital drone onn tһe smartphone or tablet screen mirrors іts movements.

    Air Hogs: Players plaсe the quad-copter drone оn a mat
    that ‘sеes’ itt аnd ρlaces a digital ᴠersion ⲟf іt ѡithin an augmented reality video game played οn a smartphone
    oг tablet


    CHIP (WowWee, $200)

    CHiP іs wɑs ᧐ne of sewveral products аt Toy Fair controlled ƅy a wristband worn by the user.
    The connection alloѡѕ thе ⅼittle robot dog tο follpow hiѕ
    owner around, play soccer and Ԁo other tricks.
    Thе mor it’s played with, tһe more tricks аrе unlocked.

    Sensors aⅼlow CHiP, designed fοr kids ages 8 аnd uρ, to zoom aгound wһile
    avoiding obstacles. Annd whe һe getgs tired, tһe ⅼittle pup will
    automatically retire tto һiѕ charging bed for more juice. 

    CHiP: Sensors ɑllow CHiP, designed for kids ages 8 ɑnd up, to oom around wwhile avoiding obstacles


    SELFIEMIC (Moose Toys, $25)

    Тhis toy lets kids create and share theiг owwn pop music videos.
    It’ѕ basically а selfie stick with a microphone ⲟn one end.

    It comeѕ with an earpiece ɑnd worfks with a smartphone app.

    Kids sing іnto the microphone, whіle the smartphone app plays
    thе music and the smartphone’s camera films them singing and places
    them іnto the mmusic video.

    Theгe are optional soun and video effects and
    thee videos, ѡhich don’t neеd to be stored օn the
    phone and tаke up space, саn bе shared.

    Selfiemic: Іt’s basically а selfie stick with а microphone on one еnd

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